Local Business is a corner stone of every community.

I really am not surprised by all the chains opening on every corner. Larger companies have greater financial backing and they pay less for inventory because they buy it in greater quantities. I have taken pride in finding locally owned businesses and spending my money with them because I have a sense that I am paying my “neighbor” instead of some beast of a corporation, that may not even live in my country, much less my town.

Local Business

There are many reasons why we should support our local businesses:

  1. Keeping dollars in our local economy.
  2. Promote the traditions of your community.
  3. Protect an industry from being “monopolized” by the big guys.
  4. Local businesses are respectful with their use of space and structure.
  5. Attracts tourism. No one wants to visit a town full of chains.
  6. Entrepreneurship is a fundamental American Quality.
  7. Thriving local business allows for stability of employment to town residents.

A local business has that personal touch.They remember you and your name, they don’t have to hire someone to stand and greet you on cue.

There are several studies to support the importance of healthy local business. One Article shows as #1,

Buy Local — Support yourself: Several studies have shown that when you buy from an independent, locally owned business, rather than a nationally owned businesses, significantly more of your money is used to make purchases from other local businesses, service providers and farms — continuing to strengthen the economic base of the community.(Click here to see summaries of a variety of economic impact studies; these include case studies showing that locally-owned businesses generate a premium in enhanced economic impact to the community and our tax base.)

To view the full article visit SustainableConnections