A Fallen Tree after a Storm

A fallen tree after a storm – is your insurance coverage up to date and how are you going to get rid of the debris?

Even though Matthew was downgraded to a category 1 on Saturday, its four-day rampage left a trail of destruction from Jacksonville, FL to Wilmington NC. Georgia’s coast fared better than others but still the cleanup continues from fallen trees and flooding miles and miles inland.
Have you ever had to clean up after a storm? Even a medium sized tree or branch can take down a power line or block a driveway. So, what do you do and who do you call?
A fallen tree after a storm
First, check your homeowners insurance. It is likely it will cover tree removal and any damage to your property.

However, if a tree falls due to neglect, you may not be eligible for coverage. Periodically, check any trees close to your house or outlying buildings and ask your neighbors to do the same.

Sometimes, if a fallen tree has not caused any damage your insurance will not pay for it to be removed. This is something you may want to address with your insurance company before that great pine is lying across your backyard.

If the tree falls into the street your city may clean up the debris. That doesn’t mean you can’t file a claim with your insurance company.
Ask your city who is responsible for removing the tree. The city might be responsible for removing only the portion that is in the street. The rest may fall on your shoulders and pocketbook.

Talk to your car insurance company. If the tree crushes your beloved Ford truck they will probably be your go to guy for covering the cost of damages. But again, that doesn’t mean your car insurance will pick up the tab for removing the tree from your vehicle and yard.

Each insurance carrier handles fallen trees differently. It all depends on your coverage limits and on the specifics of your policy. It’s a good idea to find out ahead of time what is and isn’t covered.

When it comes time to remove the tree, the owners and staff at R & R Container Services in Acworth GA are your “haul guys”. Their containers come in two sizes and are very affordable. You are only charged for the amount of debris in the container, not the size of the container.

The next time a tree falls in your back yard, call the reliable people at R & R Container Service to haul away the debris after you’ve worked out all the details with your insurance company.

Recycling or Incineration in Acworth, GA?

Recycling or incineration in Acworth, GA to to help solve our garbage issues.

Hauling trash Acworth GA

Is recycling still a viable option? Not for many people in the US. In the last few years recycling has not gained any traction and for many cities it has started a downward slide and incineration of garbage is on the rise. Why? The two top reasons for both are cost and accessibility.

Communities are finding it is much more cost effective to burn garbage than to keep recycling centers open. But environmentalist are adamantly shaking their heads no!

With the new technology of waste-to-energy where garbage is burned to produce electric it seems like it would be a win-win for everyone concerned. Burning trash means less garbage for landfills plus a new source of electricity. So, what’s the problem?

Burning trash sends toxins like mercury and lead into the air. And even with all the EPA regulations and the modernization of newer plants, environmentalist don’t feel it’s enough.

On the flip side, landfills are by no means the ideal waste solution. The average person produces over 4 lbs. of garbage every day and there are 300 million people in the U.S. That is a lot of stinking garbage!

Plus, several landfills closed over the last 20 years as recycling became “the new rage” and waste-to-energy plants opened around the US.

But it seems the recycling fad of the 1990s is coming to an end, at least according to EPA statistics. Mostly, because it is just not profitable.

In fact some cities have done away with recycling altogether because they were running budgets into the ground.

So, now the cities are turning to trash incineration. It is cost effective and with recycling efforts on the downward slide and landfills bursting at the seams it seemed the obvious solution.

On a good note, the newer incineration plants will take certain recyclables out of the burn pile, at least metals and some plastics.

In a perfect world we would be able to incinerate burnable-safe trash and recycle glass and plastic to where it is all cost effective and environmentally friendly. For now, the EPA and waste management companies are doing what they can to keep trash from overtaking the country.

If you have a trash issue and need to rent a roll-off container contact R & R Service today. They are located in Acworth, GA and serve the surrounding areas.

Closing up your Summer Home

It’s that time of year when you need to start thinking about closing up your summer home.

cleaning the gutter and closing up the summer homeFall is just around the corner and in its wake comes all your favorite holidays. Better to get your home closed up now before you get side tracked and have to go fix a broken pipe or pay a hefty electric bill in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner.

Below is quick check list.

1. Take stock of the inside and outside of your house. Note any damages or repairs that need to be made now as opposed to next spring. Don’t forget to check the chimney, roof, gutters, siding, window and door seals and over hanging tree limbs or branches.

2. It’s better to turn off the water at the main source to prevent freezing pipes even if you do keep your thermostat set. You never know when there is going to be a power outage or furnace malfunction. Open all the faucets to drain the water, including your washer and dishwasher and toilet.

3. They have the coolest monitoring systems for your home on the market. If you do leave your water or heat running during the winter, you might want to consider getting a system that will send a message to your phone alerting you to excessive water flow or if the temperature drops below a setting.

4. Don’t leave any open food, cardboard-boxed food or sugary items on the counters or in the cupboards that might tempt little critters. Clean out the refrigerator and freezer and wipe down the shelves with a mild bleach solution. Leave the doors ajar to help stop mold from growing.

5. If you have a gas stove close the valve.

6. Unplug all appliances, lights, gizmos and gadgets in case of an electrical surge.

7. Put a capful of bleach into your washing machine – but don’t forget!! You wouldn’t want to start a load of wash in the spring and ruin your favorite new summer outfit.

8. Put away outdoor furniture, grills, bikes and tools in a garage or shed. If you don’t have either, store them on your porch close to the walls so that they are out of the elements.

9. Take inventory of your home. It’s so much easier to make a list when everything is right in front of you.

10. If you have neighbors close by that live in your area year round get to know them. Ask them to keep an eye out for you.

11. Now is also the perfect time to de-clutter. Call your local roll-off container service to schedule your dumpster rental. Clean out the garage, the storage shed, back bedroom or the huge pile of limbs and debris that you’ve been meaning to burn all summer.

Just think how nice it will be to arrive in the spring to a clean home that has been well kept over the winter.

Renting a Roll-off Container in the Fall

Why Renting a Roll-off Container in the Fall should be done in Advance.

Dropping off a roll off container

Fall is in the air and just one more reason to seek out the services of a roll-off container company near you.  Different container dimensions can help with the numerous projects that are perfect for this time of year.  That’s why it is important to rent ahead of time, as many people will be tackling the following projects this Fall.

Cleaning out rooms.

There is a reason it is called fall cleaning, the cooler weather is the perfect time to de-clutter an attic, garage, basement or any room in your home. The passing of hot days and the kids returning to school always means more parents will have the time to start those projects they’ve been putting off for the last few months.

Selling your house.

Though Spring is the optimal time to list your house for sale, the real estate market does pick up a bit in the fall.  It’s smart to take action before the sale and get those rooms cleaned out and ready for the move.  Plus, it is much more appealing to buyers when a home does not have a lot of “stuff”.  It makes the property look bigger and tells the buyer a lot about how much you’ve kept up with the maintenance of your home.

Outside Repairs.

Now is the perfect time to winterize your home.  Summer storms can damage roofs and siding.  Hot, moist weather plays havoc on door and window seals.  To keep the heat in and your heating bills to a minimum do a thorough inspection of the exterior, making any necessary repairs.

Yard work.

The coming of the first frost means redoing flower beds and pruning trees and shrubs.  Not to mention the bags and bags of leaves.  That task is made easier with a roll-off rental container, especially if you have a larger yard.

For the best roll-off container service Acworth, Ga has to offer, contact R & R Container. Why delay? Reserve your container today and make your next fall project much simpler.

Make sure to check out our other blogs for tips on renovating projects and choosing the correct roll-off container for your job.

Old Paint Cans

How do I dispose of old paint cans?

old paint cans

How many cans of old paint are taking up space in your garage, closet or basement? If you are like most of us, you could probably open a small paint store. The problem is paint dries up, no matter how well it is stored or it becomes out-dated. When was the last time you used that can of burnt orange on a wall? Your daughter was 7 and now she is finishing up her last year of college. Besides, burnt orange did not make this year’s top 100 paint colors.

There is no better time like the present to dispose of unused and dried out paint. But how? Most trash pick-up services won’t take old paint cans that have any amount of liquid in them. Plus, paint can be toxic and needs to be disposed of properly so that dangerous materials are not leached into the environment.

Latex Paint

Latex paint is paint you can clean up with soap and water. A safe way to dispose of latex paint is to add equal parts of kitty litter. If your paint can is more than half full you can pour the paint into another container and mix in the litter. Mix it up and let it sit for an hour. You can now toss the dried paint in the can in the garbage. Please remember to remove the lid.

Oil-based Paint

Oil-based paint is paint you need to clean up with mineral spirits or paint thinner. Because this type of paint is flammable and contains harmful solvents, pigments and resins, the Environmental Protection Agency deems them hazardous. In other words, never pour oil-based paint on the ground or dump it in the trash. Instead, visit GA’s DEPA for the safest way to dispose of oil-based paints.

Got more than a couple cans of paint to remove?

Call R & R Container Services in Acworth, GA for all your hauling needs at 770-975-9554.

Summertime and the Honey Do List

There’s no time like summertime to take care of the Honey Do List.

man painting the outside of his house.

Now that the weather is warmer, there are all sorts of little things you can do to spruce up your home.

Let’s start on the exterior. Touching up the house paint always makes your home look better. If the spare paint can has hardened and you can’t read the color check in with your local paint store. They having amazing machines that can tell you the exact color with only a small sample or are more than happy to send a paint expert to your home.

Next, window washing from the outside. This is one of those jobs that doesn’t happen very often. It might take some elbow grease and 3 or 4 buckets of hot, soapy water to get off the grime. Use a hose to rinse and top it off with some window cleaner and paper towels and you will have sparkling clean windows.

Washing those dirty windows won’t make much of a difference if you don’t clean your screens. While the screens are off so that you can wash the windows, gently scrub them with hot soapy water, too. If the screens are too filthy to be cleaned or are no longer keeping out the bugs, you may just want to replace them.

Check all your outside and inside hoses for winter storm and freeze damage. We hate it when we turn on the hose and get sprayed in the face. Or maybe a pipe has cracked in the basement and only a little water is seeping out but it’s enough to bring about a mold problem.

Another great summer project is to thoroughly clean your driveway and sidewalks. The key to deep cleaning is a pressure washer. You can make the area around your home look brand new with a few hours of washing and a couple of gallons of water. Just be careful of all the new spring plants your wife has decorated the walkways and porches with!

Let’s move inside. Summer is the time to reverse the direction of your ceiling fans. You want fans to turn clock-wise in the summer to create a nice breeze. To do this, shut off the fan and wait for the blades to stop spinning. Use a sturdy ladder or step stool to locate the direction switch, this will probably be on the side of the fan above the blades. Before you turn the fan back to on, clean the fan or dust bunnies will be flying everywhere.

If your AC is running full out clean your filter every few weeks. This will help keep your bill down and your house cooler. You can clean the filter by washing with warm water or vacuuming it. Some of the newer models have a built in self-cleaning function.

If you are thinking about tackling a bigger project over the summer make sure to contact R & R Container Service for your dumpster rental! They are located in Marietta and service the surrounding areas.