Selling Your Home in Acworth GA

Selling Your Home in Acworth GA. Let’s put our best foot forward.

collection truck

As a seller in Acworth Ga, your best ace-in-the-hole is curb appeal. One of the first things a buyer will see is the outside of your house or property. Make the first impression count so that house hunters want to continue their tour.

If your property is already on the market but you’re not getting the traffic you’d like or if you’re just listing your home and want to stand out from other options in your area, think about these exterior home updates to help attract more potential buyers and improve the resale value of your property.

The Yard

Unless you are in the middle of the city, you will have some type of landscaping or yard. Remember, more than 90% of people looking to buy a home do an online search, viewing pictures of the property. If your house is beautifully landscaped, tidy and eye catching you will definitely rate a second glance.
House paint

The color of your house can make or break a sale. If you want to add value to your home think about a fresh coat of paint. A new paint job can cost around a $1000.00 but the return on the investment is usually about 90%. If this is not in your budget, rent a pressure washer and spend a weekend washing off any mold or dirt and touching up the paint, especially the paint around the window sills and doors.

The front door

The door to your home says a lot about the state of the property. A good quality front door will stand out in pictures as well as appeal to any buyers doing a drive-by. If it’s in your budget to replace your front door invest in fiberglass or wood. Either option has a high-end look and feel and will help boost the home’s resale. Or if you’re looking for a less expensive fix, replace the hardware and put on a new coat of paint. Do a search to find the current year’s trending colors.


If your windows are single-paned, have broken seals or broken panes you might want to update to the latest model. Newer windows are now designed to be energy efficient which can save homeowners money in the long run and add resale value to the property. Potential buyers will jump all over that!

Overall clean up

Lastly, if you have an old swing set, a broken riding mower, a rusting grill or other clutter around the house or yard, clean it up. It’ll make the yard look bigger. Add some bright colored flowers and a fresh coat of paint to the mailbox and buyers will be streaming through your house ohing and ahing.

Once you are done sprucing up the property to get it ready for sale call R & R Container Service to haul away the old windows, the yard debris and anything else unwanted so that your house can put it best foot forward.


Procrastination – the action of delaying or postponing something.

Dropping off a roll off container

Lately, it seems like I’m busy all the time but at the end of the day, I’m still not caught up. It’s aggravating to say the least. I feel like I have this little gremlin sitting on my shoulder snickering at my lack of accomplishment. But surely this is not from procrastination – I’m always doing something!! Or maybe, procrastination isn’t delaying doing something it’s not doing what I think I should be doing – that was an, aha, moment.

Have you heard the expression “Procrastination via alternative productivity”? It’s when you do something to keep from doing something else that you don’t want to do.

Is it time to tackle the mess in the garage? I’ll check emails instead.

Dreading cleaning out the storage locker? I’ll go organize my clothes.

Tedious project at work? The dog needs to go for a walk.

Old magazines and newspapers piling up? I’ll start my grocery list.

You get the picture?

The result? I do a lot of little things that maybe aren’t as important as some of other things. And now it’s the end of the day and I feel frustrated with my lack of productivity. I haven’t even made a dent in one of the projects. I can’t enjoy my evening and I lay in bed worrying about how I’m going to get this project completed.

Then a little voice pops up and says, “But you organized your clothes”. And my gremlin snickers and I know I have once again procrastinated via alternative productivity.

So, how do I change this habit? I’ve started making lists and prioritizing projects. No matter how much I might not want to clean out the garage, if that is first on my list then that is what gets done before anything else. I try not to think about how much I don’t want to do the chore. Instead, I note how nice it will be to have the room to park my car in the garage on rainy days or when the weather turns cold.

When the chore is completed. I pat myself on the back and say that wasn’t so bad and go on to the next item on the list. After all, if I’m willing to work, I might as well be productive and snicker at my gremlin.

And don’t put off tackling the garage, attic or basement because you hate hauling stuff to the dump. Call R & R Container Service at 770-975-9554 for all your hauling needs. They are a professional company with friendly staff who are more than willing to work with you and your clutter!

Old Light Bulbs

Don’t Light Up Your Environment with Old Light Bulbs

light bulbs in a rowFinally, the dishes are done, the kids are in the bed and your spouse is watching TV. You grab your latest book, tuck yourself into your favorite chair, turn on the light and POP! The light bulb blows out. Dang! Thank goodness your have a spare but what do you do with the old light bulb. You may want to think twice before lobbing it into the trash.

Different types of light bulbs require different kinds of disposal methods. Some light bulbs contain potentially hazardous materials. Read our light bulb list below to get savvy on how to dispose properly of your old bulbs.

Incandescent light bulbs contain non-toxic materials

They may not contain toxic substances but they are also not very energy efficient. Most people are replacing them with the newer, energy-efficient CFL’s and LED’s. And although incandescent bulbs do not contain toxic materials, most recycling centers will not accept them. Here’s a tip – hang onto the box the bulbs came in and when a bulb burns out, mark the bulb and put it back in the box. When the box is filled with old bulbs put them in the kitchen trash. The box will help keep the bulbs from breaking.

Halogen light bulbs contain halogen gas.

Halogen lights make great flood lights. You will find these outside of garages, carports, front doors and commercial buildings. Since they do contain halogen gas, most recycling companies will not take them. So, just like the incandescent bulbs, you can put them in the trash in a box or double bag them to prevent broken glass from injuring someone.

Compact fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury.

These are those spiral bulbs you’ve been purchasing to make you feel more energy efficient. If they stay intact, the CFL’s are safe. It’s when they get tossed into the trash and break that they release harmful mercury into our environment. Mercury in the environment means big problems. Places such as Ikea and Home Depot will take old CFL bulbs back if purchased from their store. If that is not an option, go to to find the closest CFL recycling center in your area.

If a bulb does get broken in your home( I had two boys so I know about breakage) follow these safety steps:

• Don protective gloves, a face mask, and clothing to guard yourself against the mercury.
• Make sure you get all the broken pieces and place them in a sealed container.
• Take the broken light bulb to your closest recycling site/ home improvement store.

Fluorescent bulbs (those long tubes that light your kitchen, basement, garage and closets) also contain mercury.

LED Lights contain nickel, lead and some arsenic.

Scary right? Not really, as long as these bulbs are disposed of properly they are safe and the good news, 95% recyclable. So, don’t toss them into the trash. Use the above website or google the closest recycling center in your area.

R & R Container Service probably can’t help you with your light bulb disposal but they can take care of your big hauling jobs. Visit their website to check out the professional and friendly services of the brightest roll-off container company in Acworth, GA.

Backyard Renovations in Acworth, GA

Backyard renovations in Acworth, GA – so that you can have the best get-togethers in the neighborhood.

backyard get-together in Acworth, GA

It is summer. Time for grilling and backyard get-togethers. But before you throw another shrimp on the barbie that rusty swing set, defunked pool (that is now home to 200 frogs), a falling-down deck and other discarded toys and structures have to go.

Recently, I watched a neighbor do just that. He turned his overstuffed backyard into a beautifully, landscaped area with so much more room. He brought in a Bobcat to help with the removal of an above ground pool and surrounding deck. He rented two roll-off containers. One to carry away the pool and wood from the decking and another for dirt and stone dust. Lastly, he leveled the yard.

The Bobcat made easy work of the pool and deck. It was the layer of stone dust at the base of the pool that gave him the biggest fits. Stone dust is very fine and a great way to level uneven surfaces for walkways and pools. But because it is so fine water tends to accumulate and not to drain. Several times the Bobcat got stuck and he would have to pump out the water before all the stone dust could be removed.

The stone dust had been a problem on more than one occasion for this homeowner. With the massive amounts of rain that befell GA over the winter the water had nowhere to drain around the pool. Water leaked in the basement. Fortunately, the basement wasn’t finished so there was no damage. If it had been he might have had to rent another roll-off container to haul off damaged carpets and furniture. And of course there is the issue of mold. Very nasty stuff that can cause severe health problems.

If you have used stone dust in your yard check for standing water!

Once the man’s yard was cleared and grated his wife stepped in and planted a wonderful garden. They bought a huge grill and invited us over for a fun backyard get-together.

I think I’ll call R & R Container Services to have them drop off a dumpster. There is a rusty tramboline and an old shed that needs to be removed from my yard so that I can keep up with the Jones’ and make more room for grilling and backyard get-togethers this summer.

The She Shed in Acworth, GA

Designing the Perfect She Shed in Acworth, GA

she shed

I’ve heard the expression “man cave”, a place where men drink and eat too much and hang everything from fish mounts to girlie calendars on the walls. Last week I found the Yin to this Yang – the she shed. A place of relaxation and comfort where a woman can go to read a book or share a glass of wine with a bestie. Sound interesting? Read on…

The internet abounds with ideas for design and decorating she sheds. Do some research to find what truly appeals to your taste and style. A trendy design is the greenhouse effect with wall to wall windows and skylights. Another look is rustic, with less windows and a simple stained, wood interior.

Whatever you decide, let your she shed be all yours.

If you already have an existing shed that just needs cleaning out, rent a roll-off container to help you cart away the clutter and junk. If you have to build a shed there are a couple of different options.

Most home improvement stores have pre-fab sheds that they will deliver and install for you. Or you can order a ready-made kit online and ensemble it yourself. Of course, if you are Handy-Andy you can truck down to the local lumber store and buys what you need to build the she shed from scratch. Lowes has a simple video to help you build your own shed.

If you are building a new structure you might want to check with the county about permits or restrictions. My husband’s theory is to do first and ask forgiveness later, but I am more of a worrier and want to know ahead of time the dos and don’ts.

Next, get out the paint brush and paint. Whether you’re freshening up an existing structure or you’ve just finished putting in the last screw from a kit, you’ll want the space to have a fresh coat of paint. A lot of she sheds are painted all white to help illuminate the small area but there is no law written to say you can’t pick any color, design or texture that suits your fancy.

With the fresh paint drying, it’s time to furniture shopping. What are you going to use your she shed for? This will help you decide the furniture you will need. Is this going to be your reading room? If so you will need a comfy chair and lots of shelves. Or a place to hang with girlfriends? In that case you will need a few comfy chairs and a coffee table. Maybe, you want to use it as an office? Look for a small desk that will fit by a window.

Next step? Enjoy. You’ve worked hard to make the perfect she shed. Now it is time to sit back, relax and enjoy a good book or glass of wine. Oops, don’t forget to schedule pick up for the roll-off container at 770-975-9554! After all, you don’t want it blocking the view from your lovely new window.

New Homeowner in Acworth GA

Congratulations, You Are Now a New Homeowner in Acworth GA

picture of a home with a foreclosure sign in the front yard

But oh boy, it was a foreclosed home and you now have to put in a good amount of hard work before you can move in. Still, you have your home, at an affordable price, in a neighborhood that you like. So, let’s make a plan.

First, it is probably a good idea to get it inspected. A typical home inspection will include checking for termites or rodents, water quality, wiring, plumbing issues, mold and anything having to do with the septic tank.

Next, you will want to do a major cleaning. If there is trash, furniture or any sort of remnants from the previous owner you will want to rent a roll-off container to haul away the clutter. If you do need to rent a container, check the carpets, roofing, and dry wall and take in account any other major construction jobs that need to be done so that you only have to rent a roll-off container once and that you order the size container you will need for all the jobs!

Once the rooms are empty you can start wiping, mopping sweeping and disinfecting all surfaces, walls, floors, vents and AC ducts. Who would want to live in a house with other people’s cooties?

If you can afford it, invest in new carpeting. Otherwise, get your carpets professional cleaned. Professional carpet cleaners do a much deeper, thorough cleaning then a rental cleaner from a home improvement store.

If you are going to paint, shop around for the paint at a couple of different paint stores. If you can get the same paint for half the price that’s extra money in your pocket for something else!

The most important part of purchasing your first foreclosed home is to be proud of yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back for making a sound investment.

If you have recently bought a home in the Marietta GA area and need to rent a roll-off container contact R & R Services. You can’t beat their prices or friendly, professional staff.